Sunday, February 7, 2010

First week at school!

In Room 1 this week we have been getting to know each other and getting to know how TIS works. We have started looking at the treaty and are beginning to understand how the norms work and what caring, trust, respect, honesty and protection will look like in Room 1.

Next week we will be doing some team building exercises as a whole group to really start to develop the relationships and build up trust within the class.

Our journey to come up with a learning definition for the class has led to some interesting dialogue around what is learning. One group came up with the catch phrase 'Don't be afraid to say yes to success'!


  1. In class we have been doing lots of exciting things but one of my personal favourites was wining a team building game. My team one and we get to enjoy eating/drinking from a chocolate fountain.

  2. why isnt their anything about me im very disippointed could you please put something about me. what's the problem? im in the class u teach so whats the matter i wont to be on the blog my name has an a in it so could you please put me on the blog other wise i will get very angry and maybe i will go away and never look at this blog (no just kidding?but you can please put me on the blog other wise i will confuscate your belongings and you wont know who i am sarah taylor ha ha ha ha ha !!!............?:{"><}|")(*&^%$#@!!@!@#$%^&*()_++++++++++++++++++++:"""""">???????<!@#$%^&*()+_)(*&^%$#@!~~!@#$%^&*()_

  3. (no just kidding) by the same person as above

  4. Hi my name is Ellen degeners, and my job is a day time talk/comedian at warnerbros studio in canada.My favorite thing to do in studio is to dance.!!!
    One day i was searching up on the internet on blogspot for my friedns page but insted I found you page Tawa Intermideate School I looked at you page and said waw that is a cool blog you've made. Go tis room 1 woooooooooo!!!!. If you want to know more about me then go on to my weebsite at
